Our Education Focus

We focus strongly on Education because it’s the main component in breaking the cycle of poverty and fostering growth of the economy. In many of the remote impoverished areas, schools and education for the youth is overlooked because of a lack in financial aid and resources. Africa with Us Foundation helps with the building improvement of the children’s schools, along with their schools fee, costs, supplies, and school uniforms. In addition, we also provide opportunities for mentorship, vocational training and adult education that supports orphaned and even more less fortunate children.

Key Education Initiatives



Schools in these impoverished communities are often overlooked and chronically under resourced Africa with Us Foundation has made school development and improvement a priority. 


Our education initiative consists of infrastructure assistance through:


  • Construction of classrooms and school supplies

  • Proper internal plumbing and maintenance of school building (toilets, water, etc)

  • Construction of restrooms, kitchens, administration rooms and computer rooms

  • Provision of proper sleeping accommodation, with beds and mattresses

  • Provision of fencing and security;

  • Support in career guidance and mentors for secondary school students

  • Providing university scholarships for natural young leaders.



Scholarships for Excelling Students and Natural Leaders

We provide the opportunity for deserving students to improve their career opportunities by studying at local college or university institutions. Then these same students in turn are required to give back to their communities during their holidays by conducting an activity that involves and uplifts the community, for example: community clean-up campaigns, helping at local clinics or career guidance at high schools.